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Hamburg English Pages Charities, Associations & Appeals Page


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Archive | Boycott of Olympic Games in China. Tibet is still occupied by Chinese troops. Protests against the occupation are still being greeted with exceptional force. This is not acceptable, as such the Olympic Games should have been cancelled, or moved to a civilised and democratic land where human rights, copyrights and democracy are respected. China should officially recognise Tibet as a land in its own right and move all its forces and chinese immigrants out
May 2008 - Now that the Chinese govenment is using the Earthquake to play down its role in Tibet, it is time to work harder towards a solution!
The latest Tibet news and the latest Olympics news. Dalai Lama may step down. Why does China remain in Tibet? Five of the largest rivers in the World start in Tibet. China needs hydro-electric power. Tibet is apparently rich in gas and oil as well. A Gas pipeline is currently being built. So, if you do not have it, take it. Photo nicolls d.zine - ©. Taken in Hamburg 2007

China banned domestic trade in all tigers and tiger parts in 1993, but is considering reopening the business based on farm bred, captive animals. All trade with China should be stopped until all human rights and many other issues have been resolved. Hong Kong should be given back. More...

Photo by HEP 2005 in Hagenbecks Zoo in Hamburg ©

Mutter gewinnt Kampf gegen pornografische Gewaltdarstellungen - Gulli
Mother's porn law campaign ends as she wins - BBC
Those who smoke are responsible for killing themselves, those that involve others and loved ones should be punished. Price rises and higher taxes are needed. Treatment for smoking related illness should be paid for by the smokers themselves. All those who have lost a family member should take part in this war against stupidity

A general smoking ban with fines in bars, restaurants, trains, buses and public places appears to be the only way for non-smokers. The level of respect shown to non-smokers in Germany over the years has shown that the introduction of laws and fines were the only sensible option. Click here.
UK | 1st July 2007 - England celebrates victory over smokers as the new bans take force! At least half a million deaths a year are likely to be prevented by England's smoking ban in indoor places. Employers get ready to crack down on smoking breaks. Click here.
Australia: Cyclone Larry - Please Help. Appeal - donation sources | News is trying to get 1 million signatures. Please sign the petition and then tell as many people as possible.
October 2005 - Asian Quake. News. Asian Quake - Other News
Something on your mind? Add your appeal to this page. Subject to approval
NIGERIA 2005 - state of emergency News Links | Donations
Hurricane Wilma News - October 2005 Hurricane Rita News

The Hurricane from Hell: Click for Hurricane Katrina News in USA
Hurricane Katrina prompted what the American Red Cross called its largest mobilisation of resources ever. Please donate! HEP has created a Google link to various US sources of information: click here

German Charities - donations for Asia and other disaster areas
Aktion Deutschland Hilft
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
BLZ 370 205 00
Konto 10 20 30
Stichwort: Erdbeben Südasien
"Aktion Deutschland hilft"
Caritas international
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft Karlsruhe
BLZ 660 205 00
Konto 202
Stichwort: Pakistan Erdbeben
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
BLZ 370 205 00
Konto: 2020
Stichwort: Erdbeben
Christoffel Blindenmission
Deutsches Rotes Kreuz
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
BLZ 370 205 00
Konto 41 41 41
Stichwort: Erdbeben Pakistan
Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe
Postbank Stuttgart
BLZ 600 100 70
Konto 502 707
Stichwort: Pakistan Erdbeben
Diakonie-Katastrophenhilfe: Spenden
Gemeinsam für Menschen in Not
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
BLZ 370 205 00
Konto 51 51
Stichwort: Erdbeben Asien
Gemeinsam für Menschen in Not
Sparkasse Bonn
BLZ 380 500 00
Konto 44 64 4
Stichwort: Erdbeben Asien
HELP, Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V.
Sparkasse Kaufbeuren
BLZ 734 500 00
Konto 47 47
Stichwort "Erdbeben Pakistan"
humedica e.V.
KD-Bank Duisburg
BLZ 350 601 90
Konto 45 45 40
Stichwort: "Erdbeben Südasien 90032"
ora international Deutschland e.V.
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
BLZ 370 20500
Konto 833 1200
Stichwort: Erdbeben Pakistan
ora international
Oxfam Deutschland e.V.
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft Köln
BLZ 370 205 00
Konto 80 90 500
Stichwort: Erdbeben Kaschmir
Oxfam Deutschland
UNICEF Deutschland
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
BLZ 370 205 00
Konto 300.000
Stichwort: Erdbeben Asien
UNICEF Deutschland
Plan International Deutschland e.V.
Deutsche Bank
BLZ 200 700 00
Konto 061 2812 02
Stichwort "Hilfe für Pakistan"
Kinderhilfsorganisation - "Plan International"

Get Out! TV has taken over your life! The new TV-B-GONE keyring could help! Turn off almost any TV within 17 seconds, especially in pubs, café's and pizza restaurants. Websites and News. One pub in southern England even had a TV in the window advertising the TV's inside... a cricket club had TV in the toilet. Many believe football is to blame for pub TV's.

Top Asia Seaquake 2004 Special
Many links remain relevant for October 2005 Quake and others

Hotline and Donations. December 2004. The German Foreign Ministry in Berlin has set up a crisis center following the devastating seaquake in Asia. Relatives and friends of German tourists in Asia can call a hotline. This line could be helpful for English speakers looking for relatives and friends who live in Germany and are currently travelling in South Asia. Dial Germany 030-5000-1000 to get more information on the situation there

Cash Donations: Click here for worldwide "up-to-the-minute" news reports also carrying details of where to donate

British government: A huge earthquake leading to Tsunamis has hit south and south-east Asia. Countries affected include Sri Lanka, India, Thailand and Indonesia. For the latest information and travel advice, as it becomes available, use the links on the website or call the Foreign Office emergency number on: London 020 7008 0000 - website and info

The German Red Cross has requested donations for the affected regions in South Asia under the key words "South Asia"

Account: 414141 at the Bank für Sozialwirtschaft, Sort code/Pincode: 370 20500

Assistance to Americans

The Department of State has established emergency numbers for those who have questions about the welfare or whereabouts of American citizens in areas affected by the tsunamis. U.S. citizens may also obtain up-to-date information by calling 1-888-407-4747 toll-free in the United States and Canada, and 317-472-2328 from overseas

Assistance to Brits

The FCO has setup an emergency number for worried relatives 020 7008 0000 to check on UK travellers or expats in the region or to share information about them

Assistance for Australians

Australians in affected areas who need assistance should call the Emergency Consular Crisis Centre on +61 2 6261 3305 or 1300 555 135 (local call cost within Australia). 1800 002 214 - hotline for Australians wishing to check on friends and relatives in affected areas. 1800 057 111 - hotline for Australians affected by the tsunamis

Assistance for Canadians

Canadians trying to reach relatives or friends in the affected areas should contact the Emergency Operations Center in Ottawa at (613) 944-2471, or toll-free from elsewhere in Canada at 1-800-606-5499. Canadians in the affected areas who wish to report on their safety should immediately contact the nearest consular office

UK: Donate Online - Disasters Emergency Committee
Tsunami Relief - German list of relief agencies
Tsunami Relief - Google collection of mainly US based links
List of Consulates of affected countries, which are based in Hamburg
BBC: Asia Quake in depth - photos, details, videos, information, facts, links etc
Asian News Websites Search and News about Asia
Search Google News - Use Google News link to find the latest news websites, official sources of info and telephone numbers as they are published
Thomas Cook information in German - see pop-up. Switch off pop-up blockers. Thomas Cook UK (click here for statement). This statement acts as a basic guideline as what what tour operators are currently doing
Fears For Thousands of Tourists in Tidal Wave Zone. More here on the main news page from Tagesschau in Germany (in English)
The German Federal Foreign Office - in English ( - Auswärtige Amt Hotline: 030-5000 1000 - detailed official reports - UK Foreign Office - click for current statements
Current German news: - includes donation sources, info and links
Boxing Day 2004 - The 8.9 reading "makes it the fifth-largest earthquake since 1900... Tsunamis cause havoc... BBC: Sea surges kill thousands in Asia - with related links/videos

Hotline and Donations. The German Foreign Ministry in Berlin has set up a crisis center following the devastating seaquake in Asia. Relatives and friends of German tourists in Asia can call a hotline. This line could be helpful for English speakers looking for relatives and friends who live in Germany and are currently travelling in South Asia. Dial Germany 030-5000-1000 to get more information on the situation there

Cash Donations: Click here for worldwide "up-to-the-minute" news reports also carrying details of where to donate

British government: A huge earthquake leading to Tsunamis has hit south and south-east Asia. Countries affected include Sri Lanka, India, Thailand and Indonesia. For the latest information and travel advice, as it becomes available, use the links on the website or call the Foreign Office emergency number on: London 020 7008 0000 - website and info

Update: The FCO has issued an emergency number 020 7008 0000, for relatives and others who wish to check on relatives and friends affected by the tsunami or to pass on information about them. Read the travel advice for the affected countries or telephone 0870 606 0290 for travel advice. For other general enquiries please telephone 020 7008 1500

It's hard to believe, but reports say that some people are blocking emergency lines with questions that have nothing to do with the disaster or are only based on flight times and travel arrangements

Asian News Websites Search and News about Asia

The German Red Cross has requested donations for the affected regions in South Asia under the key words "South Asia"

Account: 414141 at the Bank für Sozialwirtschaft, Sort code/Pincode: 370 20500

Please remember that donations made from abroad could be subject to special fees. Other telephone numbers and sources of info not found yet

Tsunami. Japanese term (literally meaning "big wave") now generally used for an unusual, very large wave or series of waves. Tsunamis are generated either by submarine earthquakes, by landslides or by effects of volcanic eruptions (such as the collapse of a caldera in the sea). Tsunamis have long wavelengths and small wave heights on the open sea. As water depth decreases near land the wavelength diminishes and the wave height increases dramatically which may lead to catastrophic flooding of coastal areas. Tsunamis may deceive coastal residents in that a wave trough may arrive before the first wave crest

Stop Blood-Sports in Spain - Shut the doors on Matadors!

Iranian Red Crescent Society - Earthquake

Further information on the IRCS humanitarian response:

E-Mail: bamdonate(AT) + Earthquake Donations needed - click here for Website

Poppy Day: (British) is usually on the second Sunday in November, which is the Sunday closest to November 11, the anniversary of the armistice of 1918 that ended World War I, on which the dead of both World Wars are commemorated. Also called: Remembrance Day. New Zealand and Australia as well etc - For more details click on link/graphic above

Links: D-Day, 60 Years On or D-Day News and D-Day Websites

The importance of D-Day

Charities and appeals of a non-political and acceptable nature can be included on this page. Please send text contributions in English. Photos and graphics need to be of high quality. E-mails greater than 5MB by arrangement. Please respect copyright laws - take care to read the virus warning on our Contact Page

Animal Protection Institute. All rights reserved

It's Simple... Say No! Don't Go

Click on the graphic for more and for the source of the poster. Thanks to this organisation for permission to use the graphic

Top Climate

The BBC have created a series of pages, online videos and animations about World climate changes and the effect it it is having on us and on our future. It is an impressive and informative collection which is useful for adults and children alike. Each page on the BBC website has even more links leading to the other websites and BBC pages. Links to videos are clearly marked, including instructions on how to view them.

The website includes climate, the greenhouse effect, the carbon cycle, feedback effects and the Gulf Stream in depth. Click here

Top News
Key Word News Searches on Google: Charity + Charities + Germany Charity + German Charities + Appeals + Appeal + Appeals Germany + Appeals German
2004/2005 - Asian Seaquake news further up, together with appeal sources
Iran quake kills 20,000 - Reuters Fri 26 December, 2003 20:27 UK time
Many Dead, Devastation 'Beyond Imagination' in Iran Quake + Donations needed- click here 26.12.03
Help the December 2003 French flood victims. This French charity is organising donations: Secours populaire français - "French People Relief Association"
Help us to include appeals etc from other English speaking lands. Send your suggestions
Planting The Seeds Of Destruction Archive News - Common Dreams
Greenpeace Moves to Close German Nuclear Plants Over Terror Potential Terradaily - Hamburg, 10th Sept 03
Princess Diana Fund Running Out of Cash After Lawsuit Bloomberg - 11th July 2003

Top Features
Please send your stories and feature articles

Hamburg English Pages Feature Pages - Links on Homepage & Official Website
Top Children
The official UK Children in Need site from the BBC. You can now make your donation online. Every penny you give, goes towards helping children and young people in the UK
British Day - A Great Success
British Days supports a variety of charities in Hamburg. The event, which has become one of the main annual attractions, usually takes place on the last August weekend or the first September weekend in the Hamburg Polo Club in Hamburg-Klein Flottbek very near our office. Major prizes can be won on the Tombola and the "Last Night of the Proms" is on the Saturday night.

Top Hamburg Featured Appeals & Charities
We would welcome your suggestions as to which Hamburg charities and appeals could be mentioned and linked here

Top Stop Smoking


Smoking near children, babies and when pregnant is criminal. Smoking in restaurants and café's, near others who are eating, is unforgivable.
Many have lost loved ones due to the total madness of smoking. Appeals related to smoking can be sent in and shown here. Health related aspects can also be included on the relevant page. Health Page
Keep our streets clean, keep your butts to yourselves!

Top Energy & Pollution
Special appeals can be included here, such as alternative energy research funds appeals

Top International
International appeals for help and features on the plight of humanity, the living world and nature. Send your suggestions now via our contact page or the forum

Photos: taken and edited by HEP in Hamburg, unless stated: Permission to use the photos here. Please appreciate, contributions are subject to approval

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Michel Hamburg from the Alster Lake - © nicolls d.zine